“ You accuse your enemy of what you are doing and lessen its impact. The Russia hoax amounted to nothing,”
First, no one is my enemy. That is a very un-American attitude to have. We are all Americans first and we have different perspectives.
Second, I am not accusing anyone of doing anything. I have pointing out a pattern with Trump and Barr. I wrote this last May. We will see how accurate I am pretty soon. Elements are playing out. I am just not sure about how right wing media will play it.
Third, the Russian hoax amounted to a lot. A number of convictions. An understanding that there was influence AND confirmation that there was contact — but it did not rise to the level of collusion. We were also able to find out that Trump did lie (again) about not having business interest in Russia when he was in fact negotiating.
Fourth, there were many documented cases of obstruction on Trump’s part.
Your media may not have covered it but, yes, that is a big deal. Obstruction played a part in both Nixon’s and Clinton’s impeachment process.