This is so dangerous.
I hear people say Hitler lost in the end but they seem to gloss over the millions of lives lost and the millions more disrupted.
The win would have been not having those lives disrupted or lost.
There are two very important fallacies built into this:
False dictomy:
"Good wins against evil or our entire existence is for not."
This is not certain or necessarily related to true.
Hindsight bias:
The thought that good always wins - or that the end as in WW2, etc, was inevitable when it was not.
This is the thinking people had that helped get us to this point. We blew past all the warning signs and let things go and, even now, the sirens are screaming, some people are apparently ready to continue.
I say this as someone who tended to be overly optimistic in people but learned the hard way through experience that people like Trump and those around him exist.
I also learned that when people get into certian ways of thinking that there is no bottom and cruelty is endless. We have seen historical examples.