This is about power and consolidating it. This is not a mistake -- it is part of the process. And to be clear, we are still in the insurrection and it is still moving forward.
Two key elements:
1. State laws that allow partisan election interference and even the legislature over riding the real electoral results.
2. SD governor using private money to finance sending National Guard to another state. This is significant because it likely removes the state legislatures from being involved -- they control the purse strings and she removed them from the equation. So this sort of deployment could be an agreement between a governor and a billionaire. (During December and early January, people were saying that Trump, etc. would not be successful because they needed the military and the military would not go for it. To those people, I give you this. A loop hole.) And sending Troops to other states is important in this case too because, as an example, let's say Georgia over turns the electoral results and there are protests. The Georgia NG may not be as ruthless and brutal in their treatment of protesters because they are their friends, family and relatives. SD NG, on the other hand, may not feel the same.
So now they have consolidated power around the big lie. They have also implemented that means by which electoral results can be changed AND now they have at least one method to use force in other states without even the oversite of the state legislature from which the troops are coming. (Not that they may be too upset but they are out of the loop.)
And we are now in the end state.
Before they used to have to hide their intentions and give realistic, plausible (even if unlikely) reasons for their actions.
But we are now in the phase, where it does not matter. This is a massive, naked power grab. They are disguising nothing for two reasons (1) they can't anymore and (2) they want everyone to see that they could not be stopped which amplifies their power and will cause more people to capitulate often subconsciously.
And the worst part is that I don't see the means to stop them. It will take raw, unbridled power to do it along with organization (comparable to what they have built of decades) and I don't see it.
It does not mean that we should not do everything within our power to fight back -- because we need to. At least in an effort to slow it down, so other things can catch up but we also have to have a realistic understanding of what is happening if we are going to fight back effectively.