The US and the Coronavirus is REALLY the Emerging Global Threat
While many have said this for decades, at this point in time there may be a consensus even among our allies.
It has to do with the coronavirus and our complete mishandling of it.
Looking past the economic impact the increasing spread of this virus will have on the US and the humanitarian toll it is going to take, unmentioned so far (at least here in the United States) is the increasing likelihood of a mutation that could really upend things more.
A mutation could make a bad situation even more devastating. It could undo the value of the knowledge that we know so far about the treatment of the virus. I could possibly even render vaccines less useful or useless.
And while we are looking at a situation in which the spread of the virus seems more and more out of control and our likelihood to control with drop by the day, we may also be walking into a far worse, even more devastating situation which could have even larger consequences globally.
A mutation.
And if this happens the responsibility will fall squarely on the shoulders of our leadership and how they have handled, or mishandled, the crisis.