Thank you for your response. I would caution against throwing the baby out with the bath water as far as democracy. Right now money (corporate and otherwise) is usurping the will of the people.
There was a 2014 Princeton Survey that indicates that, if we are not an oligarchy, we may be headed in that direction. So our problem may be less an issue with democracy but more an issue with a democracy that is morphing or has morphed into an unworkable oligarchy.
The oligarchy has risen to power by dividing us and keeping us divided.
That said a democracy will be as effective as its citizens and right now people do not understand the extent to which media is influencing them. They don’t know how media works. This is not accidental. Advertisers and politicians have known this for years and don’t really want their secrets to be revealed but citizens need to be much better informed when it comes to media, how it works and how it influences them and what they need to look out for.
(I started to explain this in my book but so much more needs to be done here.)