Oh, here is the real kicker. Remember when all the super strong hurricanes were hitting Florida last year and then the floods in NC?
They attributed it to .... government controlling the weather and targeting them.
I saw more BS on cloud seeding and chemtrails than you can imagine. It can't be that what scientists predicted for decades would happen as a result of climate change is happening. NOPE! Those forecasts were all evidence of planning and government control.
Now this hits and the two worst fires (it is important to focus on them because the other fires have been largely controlled and contained) -- but the two worst fires were a direct result of:
1. A super bad drought which has left us with less rainfall at this point in time than any time since 1850 when they started keeping track.
2.An extreme wind storm that resulted when two extremely strong high and low pressures met. This made it impossible to deploy the aircraft that could have been used to contain the fires earlier -- instead the fires raged over night (when they typically diminish in speed over night -- they did not on Tuesday).
It was two extreme weather conditions that set the conditions. The end.
If doubters want to blame other things, ask them why and how other fires that have started -- even the one in Hollywood the following night -- were contained? Many of the factors and people they want to blame for the two big fires were at play in Hollywood but Hollywood did not burn because the winds, while strong, were not erratic and super strong so aircraft was used to control the fire.
But the real kicker is that, unlike Florida, NC, etc who were victims and targeted by government, the CA situation is completely different.
To the point where some are also siting God's wrath.
To that I suggest that you read this that I wrote about the number of extreme natural disasters we had in 2020 and no one ever mentioned God's Wrath .... The list is frankly crazy and extreme.