I wrote something about this -- Lies (02/2020) and how they are used as loyalty tests and later weapons.
I also pointed out that it always results in the destruction of the system they are in control of (this is an issue in businesses, families, and governments).
But here is the deal.
I think we differ in that you assume that failure will result in the rise of good.
There is no guarantee that good will prevail. It may be replaced by a larger bad.
AND, this is my main point, to say good will prevail requires that people disregard a lot of distruction.
So, for example, "good" prevailed after millions died, millions more were injured and displaced. Families torn apart for ever.
In the case of businesses, like Enron, sure they failed eventually but people lost jobs, homes, retirements, etc.
So while the tyrants do eventually face reality -- the costs to others and society should not be overlooked when trying to make this sound like a win.
A win is not letting it get to the point where the damage is so great.
And their failure does not mean that something worse will not replace it ... at least for a while.