I have to admit I was surprised this article was distributed. (I was shocked which is why it took a while to respond. I did not build responses into my schedule in any way.)
I probably should not say this but I was using this platform as a way to get my thoughts together about topics that I have to frequently write about on other platforms like Facebook (mostly). I could go to medium and grab what I already wrote and tweak it a bit to save time.
It is also a place to put thoughts so I pick them up and finish the thought later. (I have a huge number of “drafts”.)
That said building an audience for material is tricky and what you are doing is even trickier.
It might be good if you figure out how to communicate your ideas in very simple ways so people get the gist of it, they get interested and then are willing to engage more. You may also want to consider videos (possibly) and other ways to communicate the key points so you can reach out to people who prefer different modes.
It is a long process (as you know). People just think it happens magically but it does not. Patience.