History will likely show that it was gone by now.
The billionaire back apparatus is fully behind Trump now. They have invested billions over decades for his. They were not fully behind him before.
The failure of Garland and the DOJ to prosecute those around Jan 6th -- everyone -- has resulted in giving them more power.
And Trump has been able to consolidate and purify his power using the "stolen election" as a loyalty test.
Add to that key states have been working to be able to negate votes or over turn the will of the people -- not based on provable fact -- but just because.
And it seems that they have planned to trigger utter chaos in November by challenging election results all over -- even those where Trump won. They will challenge those that Trump legit won to confuse people and make it harder for people to focus on the spots where they truly did steal the election.
They will fight things out in the courts and then claim, as they were trying to do in 2020, that the House should decide it -- which would give it to Trump.
It is pretty clear what they are intending to do and it is ugly as they have also paved the way to use the military to put down protests -- and there will be protests.
Many supporters have been conditioned by media and have a bit of a blood lust.