“a serious attempt to suppress free speech through violence (just look around at college campuses and its clear which group is attempting to suppress free speech)”
Please stop watching only right wing tv. Seriously, white supremacists etc are a much bigger problem when it come to violence. And hate speech is not free speech. (I agree though that we need to be careful about this because uncomfortable speech is not necessarily hate speech.) Regardless though the right wing media has blown this far out of proportion.
“serious attempt to restrict media outlets from expressing their opinion (given 93% of media reporting has been anti-Trump this does not appear to be happening)”
If the guy lies chronically, if he bullies people, if he acts like a toddler, he is going to get negative attention. This is an indication of his conduct and, frankly, I have seen them pieces together drivel at a press conference at report it as thought it was coherent — when it was not. You don’t get to stomp all over norms. You don’t get to treat people disrespectfully and then expect respect.
“attempts to reverse the results of elections (again guess who is doing that)”
He won. The electoral college was there and HRC was a horrific candidate. That said election integrity is not something that the GOP can really lay claim to. They are gerrymandering to the extreme (reference NC as a bad case), they have been caught messing with votes (NC again), they are purging rolls, they are making it hard to vote by reducing early voting, etc. The GOP is frankly working on a disenfranchise campaign.
Any efforts to affect the election like this a despicable to the point of being treasonous because they undermine our democracy. Any person or party involved should be punished harshly.
“Attempts to change the governance process (which party has proposed to change the Constitution and the make up of the Supreme Court?)”
Both parties have proposed changes to the Constitution so please be accurate. As far as the composition of the Supreme Court — this is a hugely bad idea.
“attempts to limit the ability of the public to oppose a takeover of government by removing arms from the people (again which party is attempting to do that?)”
We are a democracy. Your willingness to take over the government by arms is in fact treason. We are governed by the rule of law which people are attempting to protect. You know so we don’t have an all-powerful-executive whose actions can not be checked. Oh and the GOP was pretty quick to support arms control when black people had the guns in the 60’s so there is that too.
“attempts to funnel more of the economy through government and to increase the dependence of the public on government entitlements (again which party is attempting to do that?)”
I will give you this. Trump tariffs (a tax on all of us) is being redistributed to farmers and big ag. This is more massive than Obama’s auto industry bail out and that was to save an industry and was a result of the economic collapse that started under Bush. (Policies of both parties enabled it. Bush, however, was at the wheel and could have recognized the peril earlier.)